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8777 Bluebonnet Blvd., Suite A, Baton Rouge, LA 70810

Brow Lift in Baton Rouge, LA

Conveniently Located to Serve Baton Rouge

A brow lift in Baton Rouge can give the face a youthful look by eliminating wrinkles. This cosmetic facial procedure eliminates age lines like crow’s feet, horizontal forehead wrinkles, and vertical lines between the brows (glabellar lines). It can also lift sagging eyebrows that have lost definition.

Am I a Good Candidate?

People looking for a long-term solution to forehead wrinkles and drooping eyebrows are ideal brow lift candidates. Ideal candidates also have realistic expectations and are in good health. They do not have any pre-existing medical conditions that could hinder recovery or any allergies to anesthesia.

The best candidates for a brow lift do not smoke. Smokers must avoid smoking for at least two weeks before the surgery, and they must continue to avoid smoking during recovery. Smoking can negatively impact skin elasticity, prolong healing, and create complications.

Candidates are fully committed to closely following their surgeon’s pre- and post-surgery instructions. Patients often choose to combine the brow lift with other facial cosmetic surgeries. These combinations serve to achieve enhanced facial rejuvenation.

Your Consultation

Your surgeon will listen to your aesthetic concerns and goals during your consultation. They will carefully examine your forehead and brow, and they will also examine your medical records. Inform them about any past procedures and any allergies.

Based on the information gathered, your surgeon will create a surgical plan for your forehead lift. They will discuss the surgical plan with you from the preparation stage through the recovery process.

Specific instructions may be given to prepare you for the brow lift procedure. You will also learn about the cost of the surgery. Your surgeon will encourage you to raise any questions during the consultation so you can confidently decide. Your brow lift surgery will then be scheduled.

The Brow Lift Procedure

Generally, a brow lift procedure can last around one to three hours, depending on the surgical plan and treatment areas. The treatment areas are disinfected before administering the anesthesia.

At the start of the traditional coronal brow lift, anesthesia is administered to ensure a comfortable procedure that is free of any pain. In some cases, local anesthesia and sedation are used, whereas general anesthesia is needed in others. This choice will be made during the consultation.

An incision is then made behind the hairline. This incision stretches from one ear to the other. It allows access to the underlying tissues. Excess skin is trimmed away, and drooping facial muscles are carefully tightened. Once this has been performed, the incision is closed using sutures.

Healing After Your Forehead Lift

Your surgeon will provide you with detailed post-surgery instructions for a safe recovery. After you have returned home, you will need to rest and recover. There will be bruising and swelling in the forehead region, but it will only be temporary. Ice packs can help to reduce these issues. It will also be essential to keep your head elevated at all times.

Time off from work will be needed, and you must not participate in strenuous activities during your recovery period. Heavy exercise and sports can strain your incision, negatively affecting healing. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled to assess the results and recovery progress.

Over the Moon with my Results!

“Dr. Freel is an amazing plastic surgeon! I am over the moon with the results of my BA. He has a great bedside manner and listens to what you want to achieve with plastic surgery. His staff are all very kind and helpful as well.”


Brow Lift Cost

When considering a forehead lift surgery, people often worry about the potential cost of the procedure. The price of a brow lift varies depending on many factors, including the time required to perform the surgery, the techniques used, and the chosen anesthesia.

Get Started – Schedule a Consultation

Patients considering a brow lift in Baton Rouge can benefit from an informative consultation with Dr. Andrew Freel. Contact us today to set up your appointment.